The Healing Power of Girlfriends, by Deborah Olson.

My New Book!

The Healing Power of Girlfriends, awards.
Nonfiction Book Awards Bronze Winner.
Title: The Healing Power of Girlfriends: How to Create Your Best Life Through Female Connections
Author: Deborah A. Olson, RN, MA, LPC
Publisher: Galleria Publishing
Projected Release Date: March 2019

One of the common questions I get from women is “How do I make new friends?” The desire to make new friends—while feeling it is next to impossible—is almost ubiquitous. The passion to write this book was born from a deep desire to help women forge ahead to seek and form new friendship connections. For many people that process can be challenging for a multitude of reasons . . . but in the end, the result is the same. We feel alone, disconnected, and isolated without a circle of friends to support us, encourage us, and share life with.

That doesn’t need to be the case. There are numerous ways to create a supportive circle of friends. But first you might need to step outside of your comfort zone.

THE HEALING POWER OF GIRLFRIENDS will equip you with ideas and suggestions on how to make new friends at any age or stage!

Purchase a copy of the Paperback Book  or  Kindle Edition at Amazon:

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In Chapter 3 of the Book — Paradigms for Perceiving Friendships

“Sometimes our perceptions and expectations in friendships are different than our friends. When our perceptions are very different than that of our friends, it can cause issues in the friendship.”
(Click each image for larger view)
Healing Power of Friendship, by Deborah Olson. The Healing Power of Friendship, by Deborah Olson.

In Chapter 6 of the Book — How Do We Make New Friends?

Here are some additional suggestions for making New Friends:

Follow your Hobbies —
If you like to travel, find a travel club or attend a travel lecture.
If you enjoy scrapbooking, find a local group that meets to work on scrapbook projects.
If you are a avid reader, find a book club in your area, or start your own group and invite local neighbors or friends who enjoy reading.
If you enjoy music, search for restaurants or venues that feature local artists and mix with other guests attending.

Start your own group or club — Check out your local newspaper or community flyers and if you don’t see a group to join that interests you, start your own group.
If you are retired, start a new group for retired people in your field or profession or former military. Common interests leads us down the path to friends.
If you love to cook, start your own cooking group and find local chefs that are interested in doing private parties. Everyone can take turns hosting a dinner/cooking class
If you enjoy yoga, find an instructor interested in helping you start your own yoga group in a local park or on the beach if you live by the water.
If you like to jog, walk, or cycle, start a group that meets once or twice a week to exercise together.

Use social media, and the internet (Next Door, etc.) to search, find, and start the groups you are interested in. Remember there are others out there who are also trying to find YOU!


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Make An Appointment

If you would like more information or would like to schedule an appointment - email Ms. Olson.