Is your tank on “empty” these days?  Do you feel like you are consumed with meeting everyones’ needs while putting your own needs on the back burner?  Do you want to be more productive and organized with the time and space you have?   Is it time to get a “lifestyle makeover?”  Do you long to find some inner peace again on this treadmill called “life?”

If you answered “yes” to any of the above questions, then it is time for you to “TAKE BACK YOUR LIFE!”  We live in a fast-paced and ever changing world that requires us to keep moving, keep adapting, and keep up!   As women, we juggle it all and pride ourselves in being adept at multi-tasking!   For many of us, our time belongs to everything and everyone else, except us.   We tend to our own  families, our extended families, jobs, volunteer commitments, church commitments, etc. and then one day we suddenly look in the mirror and realize, “I don’t know ME anymore!”    If you feel that you have “lost yourself” somehow on this journey of life, then it might be time to begin that road to reclaim “you” again!

Take time for YOU and make yourself a priority today!  Start that road back to YOU again and learn how to infuse your life with new passion, purpose, direction, and organization.    Take a day to attend this life-changing seminar and begin the journey to rediscover and redefine yourself!  Spend the day with Deborah Olson, Licensed Professional Counselor, and Ellen Delap, Certified Professional Organizer and learn new strategies to reconnect with your soul, define your goals and boundaries, and declutter your life and home to make time for what is important to YOU!

Call or email Deborah or Ellen today to register and reserve your seat in this one-day seminar at The Veranda in Kingwood, Texas on Thursday, March 24, 2011.

Galleria Counseling & Consulting– 713-968-9892


Ellen Delap–Certified Professional Organizer–281-360-7014
