Archive for the ‘Joys of Life’ Category

Moving Towards the Light

Friday, January 12th, 2024

Moving Towards the Light.


As the end of another year draws near, I find myself contemplating the past twelve months and what I have experienced, and learned, the joys and sorrows, and how life has changed. Six months ago, we sold our Houston home and moved to the Texas hill country where we are building our new retirement home. So many emotions involved in leaving a city that has been our base for over 30 years. But, when things start to line up with ease, you realize that maybe this is all supposed to happen just as it is and something much bigger is really going on.

The holidays have always been a time of reflection for me. It is a chance to ponder what the year has taught me through lessons, and changes. Through this reflection, it is possible to examine how I have grown (hopefully) and stretched myself in new ways to move towards a better version of myself. This past year has been defined by change, chaos, and new beginnings. Our comfort zones are always safe, secure and predictable. Leaving those safety nets for the unknown is scary and unsettling but is the only pathway to new adventures and growth.

As I think about how the past several months have pushed me to move ahead to explore new places, meet new people, make new friends, and seize the opportunities that are in front of me, I realize that I am reaching into the unknown. Life is short, and every day is a gift as we all know. Losing two dear friends in the past year has been sobering for me as I am reminded life is precious and fleeting. I have learned that we must seize the moment—whatever that applies to in life. And the reason this is relevant for us at this point in time is that my husband has dealt with serious health issues in the past several years, so it makes sense now to live closer to more of our family.

Another reason this move has had a different framework is that our previous moves all involved my husband’s career opportunities. However, this time there have been other factors at work, including the attraction to moving closer to our grandchildren which has played prominently in our decision making. Looking back on 2023, I see how things have lined up quite well and as one door after another has opened for us, we have continued to feel this life change was meant to be. I am a believer that when the stars align and the new plan is falling into place, you have clarity that this dream is meant to be and as I like to also frame it—God is working His plans for your life so GO WITH IT!

Now as we all prepare to welcome in another new year soon, let’s focus on the lessons and takeaways of 2023 and how they can help us to stretch and reach up to places beyond our comfort zones. Despite the anxiety to be leaving behind that which is known, to push towards that which is unknown, there is merit in the personal growth that results.

Cheers to a life predicated on living and loving-BIG!! May you enjoy a holiday this year that is blessed with LOVE and JOY and may 2024 bring all of the wonderful new beginnings you are hoping for! Remember to always move towards the light and you will find your way!

Love & Hugs,


Need a gift for a girlfriend? Want to know more about topics on female friendships?
**Please check out our FABULOUS website for WOMEN at:

Confronting our Vulnerability in New Life Chapters

Friday, July 21st, 2023

Confronting our Vulnerability on New Life Chapters.

Let’s face it, so much of what happens to us in life is beyond our control. We can do our best to set ourselves up for a productive, meaningful, and successful life, but there will be times when curveballs will find us and alter the course of our well-planned trajectory. I know this to be a fact because I have witnessed it many times in my own life! The 2020 pandemic altered the lives of millions of people. Everyone has their own story of tragedy, triumph, and resilience. Here is mine.

After my husband’s company closed in August of 2020 due to financial issues as a result of the pandemic, he suddenly found himself without a job for the first time since we married decades ago. In the months and years that have followed he has been longing for a new adventure, a new chapter, and a new challenge. As we discussed options and explored the possibilities, the plan that seemed to make his eyes sparkle the brightest was a move to the Texas hill country. He has always had a passion to move west from our hometown of Houston and take in those spectacular sunsets in the hills. The more we brainstormed this plan, the more invested we became in making this adventure a reality, with the bonus being— we have adult children and their families living in the hill country cities of Austin and San Antonio.

Fast forward to April of this year, we listed our home for sale and it sold quickly in 12 days. Now the wheels were in motion and we found a new place to call home in San Marcos. It is a vibrant, active, “55 and Up Community” called Kissing Tree. We moved in June and are getting settled now. My husband and I are excited to be starting life in a new community where people move to make friends and be active and connected. My work as an author, keynote speaker, friendship expert, and therapist will continue from my new location. I am very impressed by the warmth, and welcoming spirit of our new community in Kissing Tree over the past few weeks, and am confident the best is yet to come!

Both of us have had to confront our vulnerabilities with leaving what is known, what is safe, and what is comfortable to move towards the unknown on a road we have not yet traveled. Were there sleepless nights? Yes. Were there days of second-guessing if we had made the right choice? Yes. Days with lots of anxiety? Absolutely! But, we knew in order to get to the adventure on the other side, we had to admit we were entering the vulnerability zone and we had to ride out the storm of emotions. In the end, we both knew God was opening one door after another for us, and it was our choice whether we walked through those doors to the new beginnings on the other side.

I have learned a lot about myself and us as a couple through the past few years since the pandemic, especially the past few months. These are my takeaways:

  1. None of us like to feel vulnerable and out of control in our lives, but if we resist allowing this to happen, we sacrifice the opportunity for growth and finding new dreams.
  2. Embracing the unknown can be exhilarating and lead to a plethora of new horizons.
  3. Through the tears of change and saying “good-bye” to the familiar—people, places and traditions, comes the birth of a new life and expanding our world view.

*** I am still very much a “work in progress” but I have been focusing on the positive and seizing this opportunity to be introspective. As I continue to learn, to confront my vulnerabilities, and push towards growth, I will be sharing my struggles and victories and my thoughts on this journey we call life in my blogs– so stay tuned. My hope is that by sharing myself in this raw and authentic way, others may find some nuggets of truth to apply in their own day-to-day living. I am so grateful to our friends and family who have reached out and supported us through this journey and offered words of encouragement to cheer us on!

Have a fabulous Summer and seize the day!


Say YES to new adventures.

Walking Through the Firestorms Together

Tuesday, August 10th, 2021

A few weeks ago, my family experienced the true meaning of the often-heard expression, “life is so fragile.”  Our 3-month-old grandson was in the Pediatric ICU with a dangerous respiratory virus, RSV, and was fighting for his young life with all his strength.  My daughter would call me with frequent updates on his condition as my husband and I cared for her two other young children at their home and prayed for a miracle.


We were brought to our knees (literally) by the roller coaster ride of the next several days as our Baby Jude would make a bit of progress and then slip backwards again.  In his short life, our newest grand baby had already brought our hearts so much joy and to be faced with losing him was more than any of us could fathom.  The phone calls with my daughter were filled with intense emotion, and tears as we discussed the medical updates on his condition.  We quickly realized it was time to ask for prayers for Baby Jude from our family and friends.  Within hours we were being showered with love, prayers, support, encouragement, and offers to help, bring food, etc.


What I have learned by now is how powerful the connection of friends and family truly is during the firestorms of life.  Thankfully, our prayers were answered and Baby Jude finally turned the corner and started improving.  God granted us a miracle and our sweet baby came home after a week in the hospital.   Cradling him in our arms now has taken on a new significance and seeing him smile at us again melts our hearts.  He is on his way to a full recovery and to say we are forever grateful is an understatement.


August is the month we celebrate National Girlfriends Day.  This is a perfect time to share my deep gratitude for the abundance of love and support that my tribe of friends showed to me and my family during this recent crisis.  Love comes alive in a powerful way during the storms of life.  Our Baby Jude is living proof of that!

June is Effective Communication Month!

Tuesday, June 22nd, 2021
June is “Effective Communication Month” which is a perfect time to pause and examine our current habits and patterns of communication with others.
A few years ago when I conducted my own research on communication between girlfriends, I saw many trends in what people value and also what they don’t like regarding communication styles.
Two of the most important skills that women shared they look for and desire in their female friendships are LISTENING and VALIDATING.  In my book, “The Healing Power of Girlfriends,” I discuss the
merits of honing our listening skills and how to resist the human temptation to talk about ourselves, and instead how to become a five-star listener!
Another skill that is so key in being a supportive and encouraging girlfriend, is to learn the art of validating.  In chapter 5 of my book, I discuss how validation is one of the foundational building blocks for healthy,
happy, and highly functioning relationships. To be validating in our friendships means we send a message of empathy, understanding, and affirmation.
How we listen and validate when communicating with our girlfriends can be the “game changer” of feeling heard and embraced by compassion, or left alone to swim in the tumultuous waters of life by ourselves.
Being an effective communicator requires intention and self-reflection.  It perhaps comes more natural for some people than others, but with practice this is a skill that is worth every ounce of effort.
What communication habits do you engage in that are in need of some tweaking here or there?  How can you begin to enhance your skills to become a more sophisticated communicator in your friendships?
**For more tips on improving communication with your female friends, grab a copy of my book, “THE HEALING POWER OF GIRLFRIENDS” at, and today!


May is “DATE YOUR MATE” month

Thursday, May 13th, 2021
May is always a month of celebrations—graduations, Mother’s Day, Prom, End of school year honor programs and award ceremonies, and of course, Cinco de Mayo!
But did you realize it is also the month of “DATE YOUR MATE” — a month to focus on taking your romantic relationship off “auto-pilot” and really giving it some intentional care and focus.
Whether you have been with your current mate for a decade or five decades, life happens— and we get busy with all kinds of distractions which take our time, energy and attention, often at
the expense of time with our romantic partner.   The relationship settles into a state of hum-drum, a rather boring and stale connection with little zest, adventure, or passion as a result.
So, what do we do to fix that and get some spice back in our love-life with our partner?  Here are a few quick tips that could help ignite that fire again and help us get out of neutral:
*    Surprise your mate with a sweet hand-written note to tell them what you most love about sharing life with them.
     In other words — make your own Hallmark card! Think back to when you first fell in love and what drew you to that person over all others.
     Share from your heart what you admire about them, and what you treasure about your life together.  Hide this note under their pillow or put it next to
     their morning cup of coffee before the day begins. Little surprises such as this go a long way to spark the love flame again and warm the heart and soul
     of our mates.
*   Plan a weekend or night away without the kids or other responsibilities, where you both can tune in to each other and enjoy uninterrupted quiet time together.  Whether you choose to
    surprise your partner with a hotel getaway or you simply choose to reserve a table for two at your favorite restaurant, make a commitment to plan a “date night” that is focused on only you
    as a couple.  Put cell phones and all other devices on mute and simply be in the moment in an intentional and deliberate way.  Cherish this time as you rekindle that romance and connect with
    the deep love that brought you together in the beginning.
*  You know your partner’s interests and hobbies the best, so surprise them with a gift certificate or experience that will celebrate that.  In other words, if they love to shop, purchase a gift card to their favorite store
    and offer to stay at home with the kids so they can have an afternoon to enjoy themselves.  If participating in a sport as a couple is what brings you both a feeling of intimacy, then arrange for that to happen.
    Ideas could be an afternoon on the golf course, a hike on your favorite trails or biking together for an afternoon followed by a picnic. This will provide you with time to talk and share together while you participate in this activity.
    The point is to plan in an intentional kind of way some fun things to do that honors your relationship and makes each person feel loved and cherished.
 The recipe is quite simple to learning how to DATE YOUR MATE again!
  Focus in a purposeful way and then make some plans to put the sizzle back in your love nest!   In just the same way we take our car in for regular tune-ups and assessments, we MUST focus on our romantic partners and
  what our relationship seems to be needing to THRIVE— so that it may also SURVIVE!
GO FOR IT— DATE YOUR MATE and watch for the sparks to ignite as you breathe renewal into your relationship!


March–It is all about CELEBRATING WOMEN!

Wednesday, March 31st, 2021
March is an important month for women around the world!  It prompts us to pause, reflect and celebrate the contributions of women throughout history and the decades of struggle for equality.
On March 8th every year we commemorate International Women’s Day, a global celebration of the political, social, and economic achievements of women that began many years ago on March 8, 1911.
March is also designated Women’s History Month, a celebration of the contributions women have made through the years in the areas of history, culture, and society.  This was first celebrated in Sonoma, California in 1978 with hundreds of students participating in a “Real Woman” essay contest and a parade in downtown Santa Rosa.  A few years later, President Jimmy Carter declared the week of March 8 as National Women’s History Week, and the U.S. Congress passed a resolution establishing a national celebration.   The National Women’s History Project later made a petition to Congress to expand this celebration to include the whole month of March.
We don’t have to look far today in 2021 to find women leaders around the world.  Women continue to push forward to break barriers in all areas of science, sports, the arts, medicine, government, and the military.  It is an exciting time to be a woman and encourage our younger generations of females to dream big, reach for the stars, and never-ever settle.  I remember as a young Mom many decades ago telling my own two daughters to “follow your dreams, there are NO limits!”  Now, I am saying those same words to my granddaughters.  It is essential to foster this sense of empowerment in our very youngest as they develop and grow into strong women.  Mentoring future generations of women is the responsibility of all of us as we model for younger females that women are soaring to career heights like never before, literally!
 One of my favorite examples of this is the story of the FIRST all-female flyover on February 2, 2019 to honor the first ever female fighter pilot, Retired Captain Rosemary Marinar at her memorial service.
Captain Marinar was a true trailblazer and her list of achievements is long and beyond impressive.  In addition, she personally mentored young military women in their careers including many of the pilots who were involved in her memorial service flyover.   Although Captain Rosemary Marinar has left this earth to soar in the Heavens, her legacy will continue to fuel the dreams of countless young women as they embark on careers in aviation and the military.
My passion for women’s empowerment continues every single day in my professional and my personal life.  We are all here on this earth for a purpose, and I have always felt that making a difference in the lives of women was what I have been called to do.  Recently, I had the pleasure to be a guest on a podcast hosted by Kami Guildner of EXTRAORDINARY WOMEN RADIO.   We talked about the gift of female friendship and how to feel empowered during these challenging times in the pandemic.  Kami is an experienced host and we had a productive discussion that I highly recommend checking out our interview which is here on my website under MEDIA.
One final thought for you———
In honor of all of the women in our world who show up everyday to make a difference, give of themselves for the benefit of others, and get into the trenches to promote a cause larger than themselves, don’t ever give up!
We are reaching high into the galaxies of opportunity finally, something that our great-grandmothers only dreamed of!  In 2021, the future for females has never been brighter!
We have never been stronger, more bold, or more fired-up than we are now!
Let’s model this empowerment for the youngest amongst us. It was sweet music to my ears when I recently heard my 3 year old Granddaughter, Charlotte, proudly proclaim to me, “I am BRAVE!”

Keeping our Friendships Alive Through Holiday Traditions!

Thursday, December 3rd, 2020
One of my very favorite Christmas traditions every year is to put up my Mouse tree!  Yes, I said MOUSE tree!  It is a sweet connection to my dear friend, Kathy, and our rich friendship that now spans 4 decades!
And, it is a precious reminder of the years we both lived in beautiful Wisconsin where our friendship was born in 1981.   Kathy started giving me these darling hand made mice in the 1980’s for a
Christmas gift each year. She has kept this tradition going through the decades and my mouse tree collection has grown to now include over 60 of these hand-sown little creatures, each with its own unique identity and theme!
There is a Bride, Nurse, Doctor, Angel, Santa, Green Bay Packer football player, Cop, Dorothy and the Lion from the Wizard of Oz, a Skier, Trick-or-Treater, Fireman, 60’s Poodle-skirt Dancer, Soldier, Pilgrim,
Choir singer, Tennis player, and Jester to name a few!  These Cathedral Mice were originally created by Dorothy Duket, a member of the Cathedral Church of St. Paul in Fond du Lac, Wisconsin for her
annual church fair.  They were an instant hit and became so popular, eventually a team of over 50 workers were hired to meet the demand of making over 5000 mice each year.  Each mouse has its own
distinct personality that comes through the carefully crafted clothing, and tiny props.  If you are interested in starting your own collection or want to start one for your girlfriend, contact the website at:
My holiday wish for you is that this brings you as much joy and delight as my Cathedral Mice collection has brought to me through the years!  With my love and forever gratitude to my dear friend, Kathy



Wednesday, February 12th, 2020

People keep talking about the “word” they have picked for 2020 to live by, embrace and put into practice daily.  What a great idea that is for us to attach to our daily routines!  I have tossed around several words that would be helpful to focus on in a big way and give me a new perspective.  After seriously pondering this, I have decided on G-R-A-T-I-T-U-D-E.  And here is why—

Over the past year my life has been packed full of speaking engagements and book events since publishing my first book in March of 2019.  I have traveled the U.S. coast to coast, and also Mexico.  Racking up thousands of miles in my United airlines account, many months I have been gone more days than I was home!

And, all of this has been made possible by dear friends who have planned and hosted book events for me in their homes, clubs, and restaurants.  From California to Arizona and Nebraska to Florida, plus points in Texas, my tribe of dedicated gal pals have worked tirelessly to put together amazing events for women to gather, hear my presentation, share time with friends, and purchase my books.  And, for this I will be eternally and deeply GRATEFUL for the rest of my days!

As a result, I have had the honor of meeting countless new women and hearing their life stories about struggle, challenges, and the victory of sisterhood to save the day.   Now as I look back on all of these women I have had the privilege to meet and interact with, I am amazed at the strong thread of kinship that connects us all.   Whether it was a new widow sharing her grief of how my book brought her hope again, or a lady who finally gave herself permission to let a very toxic friendship go after reading my book, their stories were impactful.  These brave women have left their imprint on my soul and I will forever be GRATEFUL for how they were bold in stepping out into the unknown.

Since February is a month we focus on matters of the HEART, let’s also remember to express gratitude to those girlfriends who have walked the path of life with us, showing us encouragement, support, kindness and most importantly LOVE!  Remember your tribe this month and celebrate your friendships by sharing your GRATITUDE!  Let them know how they have made a difference and tell them so!  Show them some “GALENTINE LOVE.”

A New Year, A New Decade, & A New YOU!

Tuesday, January 7th, 2020

Happy New Year and Happy New Decade!  How is it possible we are in 2020 already?

As we all say good-bye to 2019 and step into a new year and a new decade, it seems like the perfect time to stop, take a deep breath, and ponder a few things.   Every now and then, it is worth it to push the “pause” button in life and go deep.

Turning the calendar to the next year is always sort of sobering for me.   My thoughts go to the changes the past twelve months have brought, and more importantly, how those changes   also changed me.  Reflection can be a powerful tool to put a spotlight on our blessings and how fortunate we truly are.  As we look back on the past year, we have the opportunity to reframe the disappointments, the unmet goals, and the failures. 

As I push the 2019 “rewind” button, I am hit in the face with one overwhelming feeling, G-R-A-T-I-T-U-D-E!  Did I travel the yellow brick road to Oz and enjoy a perfect year with all my wishes granted? NOPE.  Did my efforts lead to accomplishing all the personal and professional goals I had mapped out for 2019?  NOPE.   So, why am I feeling surrounded by such a strong sense of gratitude?  

Maybe because I can look in the ”rear view” mirror at 2019 and realize how truly blessed I am as I focus on the gifts I have received, rather than the disappointments.  Here are a few that come to mind:

  • Sadly, our youngest son moved to Minnesota in September after living near us for the past 6 years. But, our other son, daughter-in-law and two granddaughters just moved back to Texas from California after 8 years!   A GIFT BEYOND WORDS!
  • Our sixth grandchild was born in August! A new precious life joins our family, and HE is healthy!  A GIFT BEYOND WORDS!
  • My husband had successful heart procedures, and is doing well after two years of life-threatening health issues. A GIFT BEYOND WORDS!
  • I published my first book after many years of intensive work and research to get my thoughts into print. A GIFT BEYOND WORDS!
  • I have been traveling around the country on my book tour and meeting amazing women who are embracing my book and its message! A GIFT BEYOND WORDS!
  • My own loyal tribe of girlfriends have hosted book events for me in 5 states during the past year, showing me their support and love! A GIFT BEYOND WORDS!


In looking ahead to 2020, I see so much yet to do!  So many goals yet to push towards!  But, I am stepping into this new decade with a heart filled with GRATITUDE, and a spirit fueled by HOPE.  Life is always going to be messy, difficult, and challenging.  We can bank on it!  But, in the midst of it all, we can sort through the crazy chaos and find the good stuff — the GIFTS!  That is what will always carry us forward into the next day, the next year, and the next decade!   LET 2019 GO!  Replace your disappointments today with GRATITUDE for your GIFTS!


Grab your Girlfriends and Let’s GO CRUISING!

Tuesday, October 8th, 2019

Research continues to show that we live our healthiest, happiest, and longest lives when we regularly connect with our girlfriends.  It has now been proven that living a life of connection is one of the main ingredients to longevity!

As I have been on my book tour the past six months, I have been in awe of GIRLFRIEND FEVER and the way my book’s message has been resonating with women everywhere!  We women benefit in so many ways through sharing life with our girlfriends during the good times, and especially during the challenges.  My new book, “The Healing Power of Girlfriends” is full of tips for making new friends as well as dealing with toxic friendships.  It has received praise from many who have read it and found the tips helpful and life-changing!   Our lives are richer, happier, and healthier if we share them with our besties!

So, let’s sail away on Royal Caribbean’s luxury ship, Liberty of the Seas, and make some new memories with our tribe of gal pals while participating in THE HEALING POWER OF GIRLFRIENDS Seminar At Sea with me, Author, Speaker, and Counselor, Deborah Olson.  Check out the details today by calling our Travel Planner, Judy @ #510-638-7181.   Special Discounts and promotions are being offered, so don’t wait— call TODAY!!    Our week of fun and sun begins March 22-29th out of Galveston, Texas!    If you have questions, please email me (Deborah) at:









Make An Appointment

If you would like more information or would like to schedule an appointment - email Ms. Olson.